
Saturday 17 October 2015

Listening Activity

This is a simple activity that is designed to help students practice their listening skills. Many of my students this year struggle with following directions. They often forget what I say shortly after I say it, often due to the fact that they just aren't paying attention. During this lesson students must focus on step by step directions that the teacher reads aloud. Here's how it works. First make sure each student has their pencil crayons out. Then hand out a colouring sheet to the kids and instruct them to leave it face down on their desk. This is the picture that I used: 
Once you are ready to begin, ask the students to turn over their sheet. You will have a predetermined set of directions with you that you will read aloud one at a time. An example  might be: "Colour the bush green and draw three apples on the tree.". The trick here is to make sure students know you will only read each step once and that they are not allowed to ask you to repeat a step. They have to be listening very careful to what they need to be doing! In my class I gave a small treat to any student who got everything correct. Below is an example of some directions.
These particular activities are great because they allow you to choose either one, two, or three step instructions. You can find more like them here:

You can also find many different versions of these online, and it would be easy to create your own!
I hope this is something you can use in your own classroom to help your students learn to be better listeners.  

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