
Thursday 1 October 2015

Coming soon to a library near you!

I So, I was looking at Twitter the other day...

The author discussed how they used an app called audioboom to improve student fluency by having them record books. I loved the idea, and so now the grade sixes are embarking on a quest! Over the course of the school year, you will start to see QR code appearing inside the back cover of the library books. When scanned on an iPad, students will be brought to an audio recording of the book being read. Grade six students will be recording the audio to help them practice their fluency and expression. 

The reason we have decided to start creating audio recordings of the books is so that some of the lower students in our classrooms might still be able to listen to the book if there is no one available to read with them that day. All they will need is an ipad with a QR scan app and their headphones. Also, we know that Daily 5/CAFE has students listening to reading as a part of it, and that many of our Div I classes are using this program. Right now, we are going to be focusing on books at the 1-2 levels, and then working up from there. 

So, keep your eyes posted for these books! When students record a new audio book, they will be our database on our Google Site. This is where we will be keeping track of the titles we have recorded. The link is below

PS: If you happen to have a title in your room that we have done a recording for, feel free to print of the QR code and tape it in your book as well! 

P.S.S. Teachers if you are interested in having your kids record audiobooks, let me know and I can show you how to do it and give you access to the folders etc. The more the merrier!! 

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