
Thursday, 31 January 2019

PAT Analysis 2018

Here is the presentation about the PAT Analysis.  If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to come see me anytime!

PAT Analysis

Online Math Manipulatives

While watching a webinar recently, the presenter suggested this website.  It really has a lot of good manipulatives and will also be easy for the kids to use.  There is an app for iPads and an extention for Chrome.

The resources range from pattern blocks, to rekenreks to fraction blocks.

Math Learning Center Resources

You can use the fraction blocks for many things.  Here are are some equivalent fractions and improper fractions being modeled.

We often think of rekenreks/number racks for addition/subtraction, but they can be great for multiplication facts as well.

Number lines can be used for many operations.

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Guided Math

Last year was my first year in grade 2 and I found it a struggle to keep all students’ attention while teaching math whole group.  Around this time a group of teachers went to a guided math PD session offered in the area.  In speaking with Carol Kam she explained a few of the concepts covered and I quickly decided that small group was the answer to my problem with teaching math in grade two. 

Here is what I am working on with math centres in my room:

Usually, I do a quick math opener or mini-lesson to teach a concept whole group and then break into our math centres for more in-depth learning.

I currently have four groups.  These groups rotate through four ‘centres’ in my room and from them Misty and I pull students to work with us on more complex concepts. 

Currently, I have a group that is working with some dice shakers I purchased after attending a session with Deana at the ECEC conference this year.  These come from Box Cars and One Eyed Jacks and are mostly independent centres the kids can use once the ‘game’ has been explained. 

Another group works on the online math game Prodigy, while Misty pulls a group and I pull a group.  Misty is currently working with the students in their Math Journal on number concepts. In the event Misty is away I have some simple math workbook pages I have copied for that group to use independently. 

I try to change out the ‘games’ and activities after a couple rounds of each group having a turn but have found that some of the centres are proving difficult and the kids need more work on them.   At times Misty or I will sit with one of the ‘game’ groups if we see they are struggling to remind them of the concepts or to help ensure they are understanding the tasks. 

When I pull a group, I work on whichever concept I am trying to teach the class at that time.  The best part of teaching ‘guided math’ is being able to meet all students where they are.  I have one group that cannot identify numbers 1-10 and I have another group that is ready to be introduced to harder, grade three level, math concepts.  Previously, when I taught whole group I would have ½ my class bored because the math is too easy and the other ½ confused because they didn’t have any idea what I was saying.  Now, even within the small groups, I can differentiate as I can easily give little Johnny a different number than little Susie is working with. 

With Jackie coming to our school and working with me and Deana on our guided math groups I hope to continue to develop in my organization of the math centres and my teaching of concepts throughout the guided math time.

Sorry I couldn't include pictures... had lots of problems uploading this to the blog and they seemed not to want to work.  Jenn :)

Read Aloud / Writing

Teaching 101 - the more prepared you are for a lesson/day, the less time students have for misbehaving.  That being said...  my best practice is being organized for Read Alouds & Writing!

For a number of years, I was wanting to set up a month by month reading and writing program.  It wasn't until Jenn and I were working together that I was able to put this into motion.  We sat down and planned out each month of picture books and author studies.  Once we had the titles we were interested in, we began to build a literacy focus of each book.  This includes the reading focus, key vocabulary and a writing activity.  

So, I started collecting the books from the library and some I purchased from Scholastic, Indigo, etc.  I then purchased bins and found free labels from TpT to organize the books.  Now, I simply pull out a bin when needed and replace it when I'm done.

This is a work in progress as some months are more in depth than others but this is a great start!  Students have been enjoying the books we have chosen and I am thrilled that everything is readily available.  In the end, this has helped me be more accountable during reading and writing and students know what is expected of them during these times.