I have spent a lot of time thinking about how to build relationships with my new students since I am changing grades now. I am thankful that I have previously taught some of my new students and/or have a relationship with their families. I need to work harder to continue to grow these relationships and develop new relationships with the students that I do not have a connection with since we are nearing the end of October.
The teaching standard
Fostering Effective Relationships I believe will be crucial to the success of this transition.
To help my students, I will be letting them know that they have been selected to be the role models for the red wing and the students in the red wing will be looking up to them as leaders.
The following are the main ideas from the link and a good reminder for all of us to keep our classrooms an environment with high expectations, respect and caring.
Communicate high behavioral and academic expectations for all students.
-call on all students equitably
The link reminds us that when we forget to recognize some students, it communicates a low level of confidence in their abilities and they may 'tune out.'
- Increase latency periods when questioning students
- give hints and clues to help students be successful
- be positive and tell students they have the ability to do well
- correct students in a constructive way
The following quote from the article really stood out for me,
"Students will recall how you made them feel long after they have forgotten the consequence they earned as a result of their actions."
-developing positive classroom pride
- demonstrating caring
This made me think of the building relationships spreadsheet we are filling out . Knowing their interests outside of school is a great way to show we care about the child as an individual and not just as a student.
-preventing and reducing frustration and stress
Suggestions for staff when we feel overwhelmed.