
Thursday, 14 December 2017

Exploring with DoodleBots

Jennine came to me today to suggest that I write a post for our blog focusing on an activity we took part in about a week ago. Right now, we are studying Electricity and Magnetism as well as Mechanisms Using Electricity for Science and I spent a nice portion of my CIF on some new technology for this unit. The one item I have had on my bucket list since I attended ATLE last November are the maker kits from Logics Academy.

Logics Academy makes these amazing kits for students to explore and problem solve.
The Doodle-Bot (which is pictured above) is a battery operated bot with a motor and a bag of items. All the items are of use in some way but there are no instructions given so the students have to problem solve and use trial and error in order to make the bot work. 

Students were so engaged in this activity which ties in quite a few objectives from our science curriculum. Teamwork was not a problem as the students willingly shared and took turns to work to build this strange creature. One student immediately knew the one mystery piece was a motor and if he connected it to a battery they could get it to work. And they did. The motor bounced on the table for quite some time before they realized they needed to attach it to the bot. Once students began to figure out how each component worked or fit, they began to figure out different ways to use the bot. 

Students were able to set up circle battles, races and doodle competitions with each other during the next class. This was great activity that was hands on and really pushed students to think outside of the box. 

I can't wait for the next Maker Kit we break into. It's the Bumper Bot! And students again will have to create him from the pieces given and create a maze that allows Bumper Bot to show what he is capable of. As a teacher I am so thrilled when I see my students engage in an activity like this. It brings the concepts that we teach (which can be a little dry) come to life right in front of them. And even though it was noisy in the room, there was not one student who was not on task for the time we spent on this. 

If you are interested in coming in to watch the students, let me know and I'll give you some days and times. 

Click the link to see some of the DoodleBots in action. :) Doodle Bots