
Sunday, 15 May 2016

Get Epic!

Hey everyone! Below is the link for that Get Epic! website I emailed you all about a couple weeks ago. If you haven't had a chance to check it out yet, the website is filled with e-books. They have so many different categories and genres, and many of the books have the option to be read aloud. Some of the books even list the A.R level! The website is absolutely free for educators, which is pretty great. I myself, have been using it a tonne since I discovered it. I often will play one of the read aloud stories to them during snack time. My kids look forward to this everyday. I encourage you all to check out the app as well. Both the website and the app are really quite easy to use. There is even an educator's dashboard where you can add and manage student profiles and view their reading progress. Oh! And there's also teacher resources available as well. Take a look at it - hopefully you and your students will enjoy it as much as me and my students do.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Picture Prompts

It can be hard to find good picture prompts for writing.  When doing the PAT this year, we took note of the website they used for the prompt as our kids were able to generate a lot of interesting and unique stories.  The site has a number of children's illustrators. Upon looking at the website, we noticed a lot of good pictures that could be used for both inspiration for writing and assessments.  

Check out illustrations at:

Below are a few examples of pictures from the site.

Damian Ward

Jason Dove

Holly Clinton Brown