
Tuesday 29 January 2019

Read Aloud / Writing

Teaching 101 - the more prepared you are for a lesson/day, the less time students have for misbehaving.  That being said...  my best practice is being organized for Read Alouds & Writing!

For a number of years, I was wanting to set up a month by month reading and writing program.  It wasn't until Jenn and I were working together that I was able to put this into motion.  We sat down and planned out each month of picture books and author studies.  Once we had the titles we were interested in, we began to build a literacy focus of each book.  This includes the reading focus, key vocabulary and a writing activity.  

So, I started collecting the books from the library and some I purchased from Scholastic, Indigo, etc.  I then purchased bins and found free labels from TpT to organize the books.  Now, I simply pull out a bin when needed and replace it when I'm done.

This is a work in progress as some months are more in depth than others but this is a great start!  Students have been enjoying the books we have chosen and I am thrilled that everything is readily available.  In the end, this has helped me be more accountable during reading and writing and students know what is expected of them during these times.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deana! Now that we have some time to reflect on our practices, I have been reviewing our school blog and came across your post (again). I can't wait to borrow your organization idea and set it into motion for myself. Thank-you!
