
Saturday 21 April 2018

6A Best Practices--Using Technology in Math

3 h)  Teachers apply a variety of technologies to meet students' learning needs.

This year 6A has been exploring a variety of technologies, including the use of Ozobots.  Ozobots are mini robots that are coded using colour combinations.  These codes can be done using markers or using and iPad app.  Students are quite fascinated with them because they are able to follow the tracks they make using markers.  Even more exciting, the Ozobot can be coded to perform different actions like spinning and going backwards.

We use centers in 6A as a means of spiraling the curriculum.  Ozobots are a great way to explore angles in the math curriculum.  This past week, students were challenged to create a race track that had different requirements, among them the use of different types of angles.  At the end of the math block, the students would line up their tracks and race their Ozobots.

This task had a variety of purposes--
  • to review types of angles
  • to code using colour blocks with the Ozobot
  • to work together as a groups to plan and execute the drawing of a race track that meets the criteria within the designated time limit
  • to problem solve (inevitably the students will have to work out never goes according to plan)!
The students were actively engaged and when circulating it was great to hear the use of math vocabulary throughout the room.  Most groups worked well together, but one group struggled to communicate and discovered that as a result, their track and codes were not as effective as the other groups.  Also, in having a debrief after, we talked about how we could modify the assignment and what changes they would make.  For example, one group had not fulfilled all the requirements and they might get a time penalty or delayed start if that happened again.  In a couple weeks this challenge will resurface in center time
and we will implement the suggestions of the students.

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