
Wednesday 16 September 2015

First DANCE PL3Y for Div. II

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to say thanks to Mr. Christensen and Mr. Ouellette for helping get the sound set up in the gym today. Also, Ms. Tonn for coming and participating in the grade 4-6 DANCE PL3Y session at lunch recess today. Thank you to the Grade 4-6 teachers who sent their students, it was a huge success! All the students were on their BEST behavior, actively participated and left with big smiles.

If you want more information about DANCE PL3Y, check out the link below:

I encourage teachers and support staff to come, if they want to participate or even just watch - you're always welcome! If you're looking for ways to incorporate DANCE PL3Y into your classroom as brain breaks come and see me.

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