
Tuesday 10 February 2015

Prodigy Math Game

If you are looking for a fun math game to use with your students that is engaging, but actually requires them to solve math problems, look no further than

This awesome online platform aligns with the ideas of game based learning. You create a class, and then students create a wizard avatar. Through solving math problems, they build up their avatar's skills and talents as they play the game. 

Cool features of this site include:
  • You choose the grade level of your class
  • The problems require students to use mental math and problem solving skills
  • You can create assignments that line up with certain topics and you can differentiate the level by individual student. When you create an assignment, it pauses the natural flow of the game and gets the students to do those questions
  • It collects assessment data on how the students do on the assignment questions 
I would say that the game could be played for sure down to grade three, but possibly even at the grade 2 level. Check it out! My students LOVED it!!


  1. Tried this with my my students. They absolutely loved it. We spent two full periods on it and a few of them took their passwords home so they could continue playing. :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. My class has also been enjoying practicing some concepts through gaming on this program. I was just looking at the reports it generates. It was interesting that the data collected matched pretty closely with what we are seeing in the classroom!

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