
Friday 12 December 2014


I decided that I would introduce my class to the hour of code. Basically, as the video above mentions, the idea is to introduce as many students as possible to Coding during this week.  After reading a lot about it on Twitter, I realized that even though it doesn't specifically align with our outcomes, it does teach students a whole bunch of essential skills that they need to learn, such as problem solving, communicating, patterning, enhancing their understanding of technology and engaging them at a difficult time of year. Below are the sites that we used for our hour of code:

You know that it is a worthwhile activity when students say things like "This is a dream come true" when you tell them what you are doing an hour of coding. 

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say that we participated in the hour of code and the kids absolutely loved it. When they have free time in the class they still ask to go on those sites you shared. Thanks for continuing to share your great ideas pertaining to technology, Jennine.
